Of monkeys and donkeys
The people’s clowns salute you.
Big things are happening in Iran: women are standing up to paid up thugs of patriarchy; teenage girls burn their veils and shake off years of embodied Islamic discipline in joyful pirouettes; workers remind the bosses who the real boss is; young rebels tag the walls with slogans increasingly reminiscent of France in May 1968; those about to be hanged demand that the mourners celebrate their death-agony by ditching the sacred and embracing the profane; the minorities look around and realise they have always been the majority; and the sexual ‘other’ fights for the sexual emancipation of all. Even us clowns are beginning to notice that that there is the whiff of revolution in the air.
This site is dedicated to understanding the emergent Iranian revolution. We are not here to be prescriptive, to recruit followers, or to blurt out slogans. We do not intend to fight old sectarian political battles. We do not possess the technical wizardry to bring you the latest video clips and news; nor can we impress you with a list of celebrity endorsements.
We are, after all, just clowns.
But this is our promise to you: We pledge to keep everything on this site practical and relevant to the needs of the moment. We pledge to utilise the best in revolutionary tradition from around the world to aid the Iranian people in their Herculean task of unseating capital, religion and the state. We pledge to work with any individual or group, Iranian or otherwise, who has a revolutionary contribution to make.
The people’s clowns salute you.